Schedule of Systemic Constellations, workshops,
and individual sessions
Systemic Constellations take place once every two months in Copenhagen and last 1-2 days, depending on the number of participants. Dates of the next constellation workshops:
13.02.2021 - 14.02.2021
24.04.2021 - 25.04.2021
12.06.2021 - 13.06.2021
14.08.2021 - 15.08.2021
16.10.2021 – 17.10.2021
11.12.2021 - 12.12.2021
Individual sessions in Copenhagen will take place once every two months on the following dates:
11.02.2021 - 14.02.2021
22.04.2021 - 25.04.2021
10.06.2021 - 13.06.2021
12.08.2021 - 15.08.2021
14.10.2021 - 17.10.2021
09.12.2021 - 12.12.2021
Moreover, there will be several workshops that will last a few days:
New Year’s 2020: 28.12.2020 - 02.01.2021 (Langeland, southern Denmark)
spring: 04.05.2021 - 09.05.2021 (Langeland, southern Denmark)
summer: 16.07.2021 - 24.07.2021 (Sappada, Province of Udine, Italian Dolomites)
autumn: 14.09.2021 - 19.09.2021 (Langeland, southern Denmark)
New Year’s 2021: 28.12.2021 - 01.01.2022 (Langeland, southern Denmark)
Natalia Kuraszyńska
e-mail: n.kuraszynska@gmail.com
phone: +45 502 998 21